Sukhoparov M.E. Lebedev I.S., Korzhuk V.M., Krivtsova I.E.
Considered the low-power wireless network devices. The analysis of the characteristics of systems based on wireless technologies, resulting from passive surveillance and active devices to the survey, which make up the network infrastructure. A number of external signs of unauthorized access to a wireless network by the potential offender information security.
information security, "soft" space wireless networks, personal network, device availablity, information security model.Akimov D. A., Redkin O. K., Los V. P., Zhukov D. O
This paper considers the architecture of convolutional neural networks: layer types, how they works, the details of their implementation, hyperparameters of layers and features of network training. The possibility of using this type networks for tasks of natural language processing. The possibility of their use for solving allocation problem of web pages constituting single web-resources the most information-packed pages.
convolutional neural networks, machine learning, natural language processing, web pages classification.V.V. Platonov, P.O. Semenov
Proposed the adaptive model of intrusion detection system for distributed compute network. The intrusion detection system is based on different data mining methods that allow analyzing a set of network traffic parameters and determining whether network interaction is normal or anomalous.Keywords:
intrusion detection system, distributed computer network, data mining methods.Annotation:
The paper reviews a security estimation approach for wireless ad-hoc networks with dynamic topology (e.g., mesh-networks, MANET/VANET, smart home) based on principal component analysis (PCA) method.Keywords:
(Russian) сеть с динамической топологией, mesh, adhoc, сенсорная сеть, безопасность, оценка безопасности, метод главных компонент.Yakovlev V.A., Arkhipov V.V., Adadurov S.E.
Recently in scientific literature there were many suggestions for improvement of password system resistance to shoulder-surfing attack. Such passwords are called resistant to the shoulder-surfing attacks (RSS-GP). This paper presents a general methodological approach to the analysis and evaluation RSS-GP, which can be described in terms of the entry table.
authentication, password protection, graphical password, video-recording attack, shoulder-surfing attackMarshalko G.B., Mironkin V.O.
We consider a variant of a neural symmetric cipher, describe its probabilistic model. We show that this cipher is equivalent to the proportional substitution cipher. We propose an algorithm for reconstruction of a plaintext from cipher text, using properties of the space of enciphered characters.
Explorations of supersingular and non-supersingular elliptic curves generation methods for isogeny-based cryptosystems are presented. The influence of class field polynomial is analyzed and comparative characteristics of time of elliptic curve generation with using Weber and Hilbert class polynomials are given. Parameters, which influence cryptographic resistance of isogeny-based cryptosystems, are also reviewed.
elliptic, curves, isogenies, Weber class polynomialsGrigoriev V.R., Bogdanova R.E.
The mechanisms of complex dynamical systems control (for example, social networks) are investigated in the face of external destructive control actions and counteract them by means of internal warfare. srocess and methods of organization of internal warfare based on formalization of the human body immune system.
г. Санкт-Петербург, Военно-космическая академия имени А.Ф. Можайского
Финько О.А.
г. Краснодар, Краснодарское высшее военное училище имени С.М. Штеменко
A system cryptocoding conversion information, based aggregate block use of encryption algorithms and polynomial code system of residual classes. Complexed method restores the integrity of the information stored in the robotic systems group (RS), exposed to the offender (algebraic manipulation) and both the physical loss of a predetermined maximum number of RS does not lead to a partial or complete loss of it.
Robotic systems, cryptography, modular arithmetic, noiseless coding in residue classes, the integrity.Sikarev I.A., Volkova T.A.,Kislevich G.V.
The problem of calculating deprivation fields for complex discrete-manipulated signals (DMS) with discontinuous in time structure in terms of (measure of) determining the degree of electromagnetic protection is considered.
Shakhov A.N.
The problem of malicious Android application code analysis for computer forensics was investigated. The algorithm of effective actions and software improvement were suggested. Approbation of the proposed methodology was performed.
forensics, computer expertise, malicious program code, static analysis, dynamic analysis, AndroidAnnotation:
In this paper proposed a hierarchical approach for analysis of information security in modern information systems. It is based on multi-level events collection, analysis, and control. Performed analysis of mechanisms and characteristics of malicious software for every information system level. Identified mechanisms of malicious software action, its hiding and of possible methods for its detection.
information security, malware, hypervisor, security management, virtualization technology.Annotation:
Natural language processing (Natural language Processing, NLP), is an important direction of development of application software, and zero-day vulnerabilities.
Word Processing from natural language used to address a vast number of tasks, such as: search, annotation, classification, speech recognition, query analysis. Also used to expand the functionality of the applications, for example to simplify the user data input and text in more convenient forms, used to search for information about the vulnerabilities on the Internet.
NLP, NER, POS, SBD, processing, natural language, tokenization, search suggestions borders, zero-day attacks.A. Baranov, P. Baranov
The paper considers certain probability-theoretic models of packet mode-transferred information distortions. Attention is drawn mainly to distortions, including possible interferences influencing multiple transfer cycles. Distortions are modeled by a consequential impacts that are defined by dependent random variables. K-dimensioned values of CRC, respectively allow representation as a sum of k-dimensioned independent random variables.
In some cases it is possible to bring them to a sum of independent terms in a k-dimensioned vector space over a two-element field and, afterwards, apply to them existing limit theorems dealing with convergence to uniform distributions.
The paper discusses prospects for impacts stretching to m cycles of acquiring convergence conditions for CRC distribution as a sum of m-dependent terms or ones not interconnected to a non-homogeneous Markov chain.
information security, CRC, error probability, multiple distortions, telecommunication protocols.A.A. Grusho, N.A. Grusho, E.E. Timonina
In the paper the problem of synthesis of information security architecture in the distributed information systems is considered. This synthesis is based on usage of elementary constructions which are described in the form of diagrams of problems decision of protection of actions during calculating process in computer system and in case of network exchange.
information security, synthesis of secure architecture, the distributed information systemsA.M. Sukhov, I.E. Gorbachev, V.I. Yakunin
The article discusses an integrated approach to the study of quality of functioning of systems of detection of intrusions in computer network intruders in the protected objects. The feature of the proposed method of modeling is a complex disci-those are all factors affecting the efficiency of the process under study.
intrusion detection system, the effectiveness of the targeted application, the theory of efficiency.Pavlenko E.Y., Yarmak A.V., Moskvin D.A.
In this paper proposed the model based on event graph, which can provide the behavior analyse of a program. The graph is built by events generated during program execution. The architecture of the system is presented, and a list of events tracked at each level is listed. The metrics that allow comparing a structure of obtained graph with structure of legitimate program’s graphs are also presented. The experiment’s results experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Keywords:
information security, malware, hypervisor, security management, virtualization technologyAnnotation:
The paper considers certain probability-theoretic models of packet mode-transferred information distortions. Attention is drawn mainly to distortions, including possible interferences influencing multiple transfer cycles. Distortions are modeled by a consequential impacts that are defined by dependent random variables. K-dimensioned values of CRC, respectively allow representation as a sum of k-dimensioned independent random variables. In some cases it is possible to bring them to a sum of independent terms in a k-dimensioned vector space over a two-element field and, afterwards, apply to them existing limit theorems dealing with convergence to uniform distributions. The paper discusses prospects for impacts stretching to m cycles of acquiring convergence conditions for CRC distribution as a sum of m-dependent terms or ones not interconnected to a non-homogeneous Markov chain.Keywords:
information security, CRC, error probability, multiple distortions, telecommunication protocols.Annotation:
Some tree-hashing modes are considered. The main requirements to tree-hashing modes are formulated.Keywords:
In this work a new authentication and key establishment method in ad-hoc networks without secure channels, which is used only verifiable homomorphic secret sharing, is presented. The security of the method in standard assumptions to active adversary model which includes pre-threshold number of the network nodes is proven. In the passive adversary model this method provides perfect security.
authentication and key establishment protocol, ad-hoc networks, verifiable secret sharing, perfectness, homomorphic propertyAnnotation:
Group authentication in self-organized networks with group signature is suggested. Besides of technical features of unmanned aerial vehicles, elliptic curve EDR-BBS scheme is chosen for FANET. Elliptic curves over extended fields of pseudo-mersenne characteristic are used.Keywords:
VANET, FANET, group authenticationSikarev I.A., Shahnov S.F.
The article deals with the issues of the information protection in radio channels of control and correction stations (CCS) of river local differential GPS/GLONASS subsystem on the inland waterways of Russia under the influence of mutual and industrial interference. Criteria of assessment of interference resistance and functional sustainable of radio channels are introduced on the basis of a study of coefficients of relative sensitivity to variations in parameters and structure of signals and interference and the required probability of the error of piece-by-piece method of digital communication. Method of calculating interference resistance and functional stability of radio channels is presented. Variation-parametric sensitivity of the size of CCS coverage area to variations in parameters of mutual and industrial interference is investigated, as well as its variation-functional sensitivity to variations in frequency-time signal structure and mutual interference. It has been established that the size of CCS coverage area is most sensitive to the variations in the parameters of industrial interference.
interference immunity, functional stability, mutual and industrial interference, coefficient of mutual difference, the probability of the error of piece-by-piece method.Sukhoparov M.E., Lebedev I.S.
The proposed solution is to use methods that ensure the implementation of preventive measures aimed at increasing the complexity of implementing threats to information security on a compact device based on the PC-104 + form factor. The estimation of counteraction to information attacks is given and the states of the device are modeled in different modes and when additional protection elements are introduced.
words: wireless communication channels, information security system, information protection, counteraction to information attacksPavlenko E.Y., Dremov A.S.
This paper explores the task of detecting the features of malicious applications for Android, which allow to detect malicious functions in the application code. The key features of modern Android-applications are considered, which must be taken into account when analyzing them from the point of view of security. In the work, the signs characteristic of malicious applications are defined. For the characteristics obtained, statistics on the use of malicious and legitimate applications are given.
information security, Google Android, mobile security, malware, application analysis.Pavlenko E.Y., Dremov A.S.
This paper explores the problem of identifying malicious code sections in applications for the Android. A method for analyzing Android applications is proposed, based on the use of static analysis using graphs of control flows and data flows. The paper formally describes the dependency relationships that are used to construct graphs, and also describes an algorithm that allows you to identify malicious sections of code using the received graphs. The results of an experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed method are presented, demonstrating a high probability of detecting malicious portions of the code of Android applications.
information security, Google Android, mobile security, malware, application analysis.Annotation:
In this paper, the cyber-physic systems features are considered, and the difficulties in ensuring their security are identified. CPS are classified according to the main distinctive features. The authors analyzed the security evaluation approaches and identified the requirements for the CPS information security indicators. The article suggests a specific CPS information security evaluation indicators system based on the sustainability criterion and homeostasis.Keywords:
The distinctive features of ensuring the security of cyber-physical systems (CPS) are distinguished, existing approaches to security management of CPS are systematized, and their use in CPS is limited. A strategy of homeostatic security management based on the retention of CPS in the field of functional stability was proposed. The structure of the homeostat for controlling CPS is described, a model of the homeostat using logical predicates is developed. The criteria for assessing the functional stability of the CPS are proposed, the results of experimental studies showing the possibility of applying the proposed criteria.
information security, security management, homeostat, security of cyber-physical.Styugin M.A.
The present paper reviews the problem of investigating incidents in systems with dependent states. Actions of an agent in such systems may lead to a modification in the system, which could be made by an agent not directly but indirectly through other agents. A method for modelling such systems is presented. The method allows defining a “manipulated system” in which other agents can be used to obtain the changes. A method for analysis of such systems by reducing them to the nonmanipulated type is presented.
nformational noninfluence, mathematical models, security models, manipulation.Zegzhda D.P., Vasilev Y.S., Poltavtseva M.A.
In the article cyber-physic systems, as complexes combining physical and information components, features are considered. Authors reviewed approaches to cyber-physic systems modeling, based on graphs and stochastic dynamics. General features and further directions in the CPS modeling are singled out, including based on homeostasis cyber-physic systems modeling approach.Keywords:
The article shows the relevance of the event management systems information security (SIEM systems) in monitoring the actual state of automated systems in the conditions of mass information and technical influences. An approach for managing the display state of information security based on evaluating the status of information security and calculate the contribution of the incidents in this condition, which allows us to efficiently and promptly respond to the registered security incidents during the processing of security event information.
control system security event information, the indicator of potential danger, the incident safety information.M. Kalinin, V. Krundyshev, P Sem'yanov
The paper suggests the approach to the construction of secure transport networks (VANET, FANET, MARINET, etc.) using the technology of software-defined networks (SDN). The results of experimental evaluation of the efficiency of the proposed approach obtained with the help of supercomputer modeling are presented.Keywords:
architecture, security, software-defined network, network with dynamic topology, efficiency, ad-hoc, SDN, VANETPoltavtseva M.A. Pechenkin A.I.
Data mining is widely used in various technological fields, including information security. When testing for penetration, the development of decision support systems is complicated by the semistructured source data incompleteness, ambiguity and extensibility. The article proposes an approach to the domain information formalization, characteristics rating, and similarity of objects ratings.Keywords:
A new approach to protection of hardware implemented block ciphers against side channel attacks on power circuits is considered. Two additional transforms (preprocessing and postprocessing) protected against differential power analysis are proposed. These transforms are simple enough and they can be easily implemented on typical microcontrollers. The proposed method can be realized jointly with any block ciphers under minimal hardware resources.Keywords:
differential power analysis (DPA), hardware cipher implementation, hardware block ciphers, side-channel attacksBelim S.V., Belim S.Yu.
In the article modification of Bloms key predistribution schemes, taking into account the direction of information stream. For this modification, you must use a function of threevariables. Function of forming key materials will not be symmetrical. In the article the exponential form of this function is used. This form of functions does not increase the key materials size.
key predistribution, Blom’s scheme, simplex channelsDali F.A., Marshalko G.B., Mironkin V.O.
In this paper we study rotational probabilities for 2-GOST block cipher, which is a modification of GOST 28147-89. We show that despite the fact that this algorithm does not belong to the family of ARX-transformations in some cases it is possible to evaluate its rotational properties and evaluate the applicability of rotational analysis.
The paper reviews the most commonly used public key infrastructures, provides their disadvantages. There is suggested a decentralized public key infrastructure model which excludes these disadvantages. Blockchain technology applying for public key infrastructure is proposed. The set of existing blockchain based public key infrastructure have been overviewed and analyzed in the context of the defined model.Keywords:
blockchain, public key infrastructure, key management, decentralized modelGrigoriev V.R. Bogdanova R.E.
The analysis and defined patterns in the behavior of complex dynamic networks S in terms of external destructive control actions and counteract them by means of internal warfare, with different input parameters of the network has been done. The process and methods of organization of internal warfare based on the human body immune system formalization.Keywords:
The article is devoted to ensure the integrity and privacy of the telemetry data circulating in electronic means during the operation of rocket technology. It discusses current problems in the processing of a group telemetric signal in ground-based automated systems. The mathematical dependences between the source of the message, the hardware cryptographic transformation, the communication channel signals that carry messages, hazards and tools for automated processing of telemetry data.
telemetry information, apparatus for cryptographic conversion, processing and recovery.Demidov R.A, PechenkinA.I., Zegzhda P.D.
In this paper we propose a new approach to detect integer overflow vulnerabilities in executable x86-architecture code. The approach is based on symbolic execution of the code and the dual representation of memory. We build truncated control flow graph, based on the machine code. Layers in that graph are checked for the feasibility of vulnerability conditions. The proposed methods were implemented and experimentally tested on executable code.Keywords:
vulnerability finding, symbolic execution, symbolic memory, vulnerability classification, control flow graph, integer overflow.Falcone I.I., Gatsenko O.Yu.
He purpose of this article is to increase the efficiency of predicting the spread of information in social networks. In order to achieve the goal of the research, it is necessary to solve the following scientific problem: by the given structure of the social network, typical social interaction algorithms, coverage statistics of certain profile groups of users of the social network, it is required to find a probability distribution of the destructive spread of information in social networks that will provide an oppor- tunity to predict the coverage of this information by various social groups.Keywords:
This article discusses the problem of creating a database of biometric recognition systems for storing personal data. Analyzed parameters of biometric data base of persons on the basis of already existing databases.Keywords:
Facial recognition, computer vision , biometric database , LFW, FERET.Anisimov V. G., Anisimov E. G., Zegzhda P.D., Suprun A.F.
Describes the structure of the process and the model of formation of strategy and programs of innovative development of system of information security in the transport sector.
transport system, information security, innovative development, model.Zegzhda D.P., Usov E.S., Nikolsky A.V., Pavlenko E.Y.
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
In the paper the problem of secure data input/output operations in Intel SGX technology is investigated. The problem is extremely urgent and its solution will protect confidential data of users from attacks from various malicious software, for data outside the enclave. The paper presents various methods for solving the problem posed, which were developed by the authors of the article. The complexity of the application of these methods in practice, their main disadvantages and advantages are analyzed. Also, the most preferred method was chosen, which ensures the safe storage and processing of data outside the enclave.Keywords:
Intel SGX, enclave, data confidentiality, encryption, secure file system, I/O operations.Dakhnovich A.D., Moskvin D.A., Zegzhda D.P.
Saint Petersburg, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
In the paper, main information security threats that occur in digital manufacturing networks are considered. The tasks and new approach of implementation of cybersecurity management systems are mentioned.
digital manufacturing, industrial control systems, information security, cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet of things.Vasilev U.C., Zegzhda D.P., Poltavtseva M.A.
The article is concerned with digital manufacturing as a new type of industrialization. The number of threats to such systems and the damage from incidents is increasing every year. At the same time, digital transformation of control systems takes place. For safe functioning of cyberphysical systems (CFS), within the framework of digital manufacturing, the paper describes the provision of a trusted environment and trusted communications by the example of the SPbPU specialists information security school works. The paper novelty is in the mechanism of self-similarity as a criterion for the stability of systems, and a homeostatic approach to the CFS management to provide destructive influences resistance. The authors submit some experimental results of this approach practice. Software defined networks are proposed as a tool for implementing homeostatic management.
security, digital manufacturing, cyberphysical systems, cyber threats, digital transformationOvasapyan T.D., Ivanov D.V.
St. Petersburg, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
The article deals with ensuring the cybersecurity of a wireless sensor network using a trust model. The authors analyzed the principles of the functioning of wireless sensor networks, and classified routing methods. Typical threats were analyzed and actual attacks on wireless sensor networks were found out. Existing safety methods were reviewed and their disadvantages were defined. Safety method of malicious nodes protection with usage of trust model was worked out. Experimental estimation of effectiveness of the worked out method was performed on the basis of modeling its operation in the simulated wireless sensor network.Keywords:
wireless sensor networks; WSN; routing protocols; threat model; trust model.Pavlenko E.Y., Ignatiev G.Y., Zegzhda P.D.
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
This article explores the problem of developing a high-performance Android applications analyzer, which capable of processing a large number of applications in a very short period of time. A method for analyzing security of Android applications is proposed, based on the use of machine learning algorithms in static analysis. The paper describes dataset, application features and machine learning algorithms used to build a classifier. The results of an experimental evaluation of effectiveness of the proposed method are presented, demonstrating it high performance and high accuracy of detecting malicious Android applications.Keywords:
information security; Google Android; malware; static analysis, machine learning.AdadurovS.E., KrasnovidovA.V., KhomonenkoA.D., KoroteevI.V.
The main methods, merits and demerits of integration of mathematical packets and programming systems are characterized. Mathematical packets possess the developed and graphic interface easy in use, are the instrument of application creation, the computing tasks used for the decision, data analysis and visualization of results of operation. It is especially important in development process of safe applications. In languages of the high level it is expedient to use programs together with mathematical packets for data collection, control of technological processes and support of information security. The advantage of conversion of the Matlab program to the program in language C++ is creation of independent application. Advantages of use of a common language runtime environment of Common Language Runtime are shown.
Matlab, integration, programming systems, safe application, mathematical packets.Pechenkin A.I., Demidov R.A.
In this article the authors propose an approach to code security analysis using vector representations of machine instructions, as well as argue the usefulness of vector representations in information security tasks. Building semantically expressive vector representations of machine instructions is considered as one of the subtasks on the way to building a neural network classifier code for vulnerabilities. The authors experimentally show the applicability of the transfer learning for the machine code with the example of a simple command set.Keywords:
vector representations, vulnerability finding, deep learning.Akimova G.P., Danilenko A.Yu., Pashkin M.A., Pashkina E.V., Podrabinovich A.A.
The variants of application of the technology of electronic signatures (EP) in information systems in protected execution are considered. An assessment is made of the conformity of the practice of using EPs to the current legislation. Situations in which the use of simple EP are preferred are considered.
Information Security; Electronic signatures; Automated information systems; Means of information protection.N. N. Shenets
In this work the authentication and key establishment protocol [1], which is used only verifiable homomorphic secret sharing, is considered. It is shown that this protocol has vulnerabilities. A new secure version of this protocol is presented.
authentication and key establishment protocol, verifiable secret sharing, perfectness, homomorphic property.A. Baranov, P. Baranov
The article analyzes possibilities of errors in telecommunication protocols using packet data transmission. Probabilistic model of a prolonged-action additive interference is represented as a sequence of executions of independent interference blocks with definite length. The paper shows that in certain conditions concerning a polynomial of degree k, used for creation of CRC code, with block size s, probability of error occurrence is close to
and doesn’t depend on s if distortion probability
is significant.
information security, data consistency, CRC, error probability, packet interference, electromagnetic interference, telecommunication protocols.Kustov V.N., Yakovlev V.V., Stankevich T.L.
The necessary and sufficient level company's information and computing resources security while providing the required production capacity, allowing to meet specified work volumes in established time periods with the optimal use of available material resources, is an urgent task for modern effective business. And what methods and approaches should be used to solve it? One of the possible options is described in this article.
information security system, the synthesis, graph theory, scheduling theory, section, stage, work, trusted third party, DTS.Reshetov D.V., Semjanov P.V.
The purpose of creation an automated student labs checking and testing system is discussed in this article. Requirements to an automated system are described. An automated testing student labs system that created in SPbSTU is described.
automation, checking, testing, student, lab, teacher, system, information, security, automated, plagiarism, borrowings