Quarterly journal published in SPbPU
and edited by prof. Dmitry Zegzhda
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Institute of computer sciences and technologies
information security of computer systems
Information Security Problems. Computer Systems
Published since 1999.
ISSN 2071-8217
N. N. Shenets, E. B. Aleksandrova, A. S. Konoplev, N. V. Gololobov Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Annotation: Two new approaches to key pre-distribution based on an ideal additive homomorphic secret sharing scheme were proposed in [1]. However, it was not possible to prove their security against insider attacks in the general case. In this paper, a simple method for distributing shares based on Shamir’s secret sharing scheme corresponding to the first approach in [1] is proposed and analyzed. Namely, the following problem is solved: it is necessary to distribute 2n shares among n participants in such a way that each participant keeps two shares, and any pair of participants corresponds to a (3,4)-threshold scheme, where the common threshold can be arbitrary. Note that such a problem is solved for the first time in the theory of secret sharing. Unfortunately, the analysis showed that the key agreement protocol based on the proposed technique of shares pre-distribution is not resistant to insider attacks. A general necessary condition for the security of the key agreement protocol in the inside adversary model is obtained
Keywords: key pre-distribution, Shamir’s secret sharing scheme, key agreement protocol, adversary model, lightweight cryptography
Pages 74-84