Quarterly journal published in SPbPU
and edited by prof. Dmitry Zegzhda
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Institute of computer sciences and technologies
information security of computer systems
Information Security Problems. Computer Systems
Published since 1999.
ISSN 2071-8217
F. H. Pashayev, J. I. Zeynalov, H. T. Najafov The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Control Systems, Nakhchivan State Universty, ”Nakhchivan” University
Annotation: It is known that the rapid development of technological computer networks and SCADA systems has necessarily accelerated the process of integration between these networks and global Internet networks. As a result, the solution of many issues of technological and production processes has been simplified and opportunities have been created for remote control of the enterprise staff and operational staff. However, this situation has also created new threats previously non-existent to the above-mentioned monitoring, diagnostic and management systems. Targeted attacks are organized by specific specialized groups, hackers and, in some cases, government agencies on the Internet for specific industrial enterprises. Those who organize cyber attacks on technological process control systems, over time, improve their methods and tools, increase their professional level. They carefully study the objects they will attack and identify vulnerabilities in the software of the object management systems. Developed set of technical means is based on the application of STM32F4XX type controllers and LPT ports of computers. The article provides connection diagrams and assembly methods of technical means. These technical means and the exchange protocols created can act as a bridge between the global Internet and technological corporate computer networks. The article presents simple algorithms of protocols and working program fragments. Fragments of the program are given in the C programming language and in the DELPHI programming system. The developed software acts as a filter bridge between the global Internet and TKKŞ. Data exchange between these two networks is carried out by creating non-standard protocols using STM32F4XX controllers and LPT ports
Keywords: Internet attacks, technological computer networks, telemechanical systems, malware, random attacks, STM32F4XX controller, LPT port
Pages 104–116