Quarterly journal published in SPbPU
and edited by prof. Dmitry Zegzhda
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Institute of computer sciences and technologies
information security of computer systems
Information Security Problems. Computer Systems
Published since 1999.
ISSN 2071-8217
A. D. Fatin, E. Yu. Pavlenko Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Annotation: This paper discusses the main methods of immunization of modern computer networks. The greatest attention is paid to topologies and types of graph structures under consideration. An assessment and comparison of existing immunization strategies and methods for solving the problems of optimal selection of nodes for immunization in the context of the considered topologies is also carried out. The main advantages, disadvantages and areas of application of the selected topologies and methods for solving immunization problems are highlighted.
Keywords: computer networks, immunization, cyber-physical systems, network security, scale-free networks
Pages 41-50