The submitted paper has to meet the journal theme.
Main topics of publications in our journal include:
- theory of cyber security;
- methods and means for keeping cyber security;
- trusted operating systems;
- security of distributed systems and communication systems,
- practical issues of cryptography;
- theoretical basis of cyber security confrontation;
- security providing hardware and middleware;
- analysis of current situation in cyber security;
- tendencies, prognoses and future of computer security;
- studying and re-studying of IT security specialists.
Publication in the journal is free of charge for all authors. The journal does not charge the authors for processing, review or publishing of their articles.
The author is required to submit:
- The paper in MS Word 2003 (or later) document format prepared according to publication rules.
- The official affiliation’s (employer’s) permission for the paper publication in the journal.
- The paper review made by expert in the field of the paper theme.
- The text file with paper keywords.
All these required documents have to be sent via email to
“Information Security Problems. Computer Systems” use native russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Author is personally responsible for novelty and trustworthiness of the presented results:
- author has to provide valid results. False and fabricated results and statements are unacceptable;
- author has to provide only original manuscript. All cited fragment must be presented with reference to the original sources. Excessive borrowing and plagiarisms in any form, including unregistered quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of the results of other research are unacceptable;
- author do not have to submit the manuscript which has been already sent to another journal, or under consideration, or already published;
- co-authors of the paper must be only the people who have made significant contribution to the work;
- if any error found in the submitted or already published paper, author has to immediately notify the editorial board;
- author has to comply with applicable laws on copyright protection; material protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotation) may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners;
- author has to provide disclosures of potential conflicts of interest (employment, counseling, availability of stock ownership, receipt of fees, provision of expert advice, patent application or patent registration, grants and other financial support, i.e. facts that may be perceived as influenced on the results or conclusions presented in the paper).
Manuscripts are to be submitted in Microsoft Word document format (files in DOC and DOCX formats).
Preparing the paper for submit, the author has to meet the following rules:
- UDK (information classification code for the Russian libraries) – is printed in left top before the authors names.
- The list of the authors full names.
- Full address (state, city, street address) of the every authors affiliations.
- Thepapertitle.
- Short annotation.
- Keywords — up to 100 symbols.
- Ф.И.О. автора на английском языке.
- The paper has to be structured and divided into the sections and subsections.
- All mathematic symbols and formulas are to be italic and prepared in MS Equation Editor.
- Vectors are to be bold.
- All diagrams and function graphs are to be readable.
- The references list is to be 6-7 items and has contain full information of the referred publication. The authors listed in it should be written in bold.
- The paper text is Times New Roman – 14, line spacing — 1,5.
- The paper title font size – 14, bold, capital.
- Figures have to be titled, font size – 14.
UDK №___________
Smith A.B.
State, City, Affiliation Address
The paper text…
The references:
1. Johnson A.B. The Source Title // Publication Press. 2005. № 4.
Download Copyright_Transfer_Agreement
The submitted paper has to meet the journal theme. Main topics of publications in our journal include:
- theory of cyber security;
- methods and means for keeping cyber security;
- trusted operating systems;
- security of distributed systems and communication systems,
- practical issues of cryptography;
- theoretical basis of cyber security confrontation;
- security providing hardware and middleware;
- analysis of current situation in cyber security;
- tendencies, prognoses and future of computer security;
- studying and re-studying of IT security specialists.
The author is required to submit:
- The paper in MS Word 2003 (or later) document format prepared according to publication rules.
- The official affiliation’s (employer’s) permission for the paper publication in the journal.
- The paper review made by expert in the field of the paper theme.
- The text file with paper keywords.
All these required documents have to be sent via email to Author is personally responsible for novelty and trustworthiness of the presented results:
- author has to provide valid results. False and fabricated results and statements are unacceptable;
- author has to provide only original manuscript. All cited fragment must be presented with reference to the original sources. Excessive borrowing and plagiarisms in any form, including unregistered quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of the results of other research are unacceptable;
- author do not have to submit the manuscript which has been already sent to another journal, or under consideration, or already published;
- co-authors of the paper must be only the people who have made significant contribution to the work;
- if any error found in the submitted or already published paper, author has to immediately notify the editorial board;
- author has to comply with applicable laws on copyright protection; material protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotation) may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners;
- author has to provide disclosures of potential conflicts of interest (employment, counseling, availability of stock ownership, receipt of fees, provision of expert advice, patent application or patent registration, grants and other financial support, i.e. facts that may be perceived as influenced on the results or conclusions presented in the paper).
Manuscripts are to be submitted in Microsoft Word document format (files in DOC and DOCX formats). Preparing the paper for submit, the author has to meet the following rules:
- UDK (information classification code for the Russian libraries) – is printed in left top before the authors names.
- The list of the authors full names.
- Full address (state, city, street address) of the every authors affiliations.
- Thepapertitle.
- Short annotation.
- Keywords — up to 100 symbols.
- Ф.И.О. автора на английском языке.
- The paper has to be structured and divided into the sections and subsections.
- All mathematic symbols and formulas are to be italic and prepared in MS Equation Editor.
- Vectors are to be bold.
- All diagrams and function graphs are to be readable.
- The references list is to be 6-7 items and has contain full information of the referred publication. The authors listed in it should be written in bold.
- The paper text is Times New Roman – 14, line spacing — 1,5.
- The paper title font size – 14, bold, capital.
- Figures have to be titled, font size – 14.
UDK №___________
Smith A.B.
State, City, Affiliation Address
Annotation The paper text… The references: 1. Johnson A.B. The Source Title // Publication Press. 2005. № 4. Download Copyright_Transfer_Agreement