Respected authors! Please note that the content of articles should not contradict the list of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 31c. of December 2023.
Publication in the journal is free of charge for all authors. The journal does not charge the authors for processing, review, editing or publishing of their articles.
Criteria for selection of articles:
- Scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical and review articles corresponding to the subject of the journal are accepted for publication.
- The originality of the article is not less than 80%.
- The article has not been previously published or sent to other editions.
- Articles co-authored by students will not be accepted for consideration.
- The text of the article must meet the rules of design and requirements of the journal.
The author bears initial responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the presented results, which implies observance of the following principles:
- Author has to provide valid results. False and fabricated results and statements are unacceptable.
- Author has to provide only original manuscript. All cited fragment must be presented with reference to the original sources. Excessive borrowing and plagiarisms in any form, including unregistered quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of the results of other research are unacceptable.
- Co-authors of the paper must be only the people who have made significant contribution to the work.
- If any error found in the submitted or already published paper, author has to immediately notify the editorial board.
- Author has to comply with applicable laws on copyright protection; material protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotation) may be reproduced only with the permission of their respective owners.
- The author must rule out the appearance of potential conflicts of interest on the part of employers, consultants, shareholders, payees, examiners, patent registrars and patentees, applicants and recipients of grants, rents and other financial subsidies to obtain, i.e. parties with an interest in the results and conclusions presented in the article).
The following are required for publication:
- An article designed in the template.
- Text file with information about the authors (full name, position and place of work, e-mail address, ORCID ID).
- Expert opinion on the possibility of open publication.
- Review of the article.
- Copyright transfer agreement (2 copies).
All these required documents have to be sent via email to
“Information Security Problems. Computer Systems” use native russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. The originality should be at least 80 %. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Rules of paper design
The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX):
- Document margins – 2.0 cm.
- Font – Times New Roman, 14 pt.
- Line spacing – single line.
- Text alignment – width.
- Automatic hyphenation.
- Paragraph indent – 0.5 cm.
Structure of the article:
- UDC (information classification code for the Russian libraries) – is printed in left top before the authors names.
- Author’s full name, place of work/study, city (in Russian and English).
- Title of the article (in Russian and English).
- Abstract (in Russian and English): not more than 250 words.
- Keywords (in Russian and English): at least 5 words/word combinations.
- Funding: indicate the source of funding.
- In the main text use the IMRAD structure: Introduction; Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion.
- References (at least 15 titles):
- literature is arranged by reference;
- sources should be no older than 10 years;
- no more than 20 % self-citation;
- references to GOST, Federal Laws and other references should be indicated only in the text;
- it is not allowed to refer to textbooks and reference books.
- Information about the authors: academic degree, academic title, position and place of work, e-mail, ORCID (in Russian and English).
The article should be formalized in a ready-made template.
Requirements for the design of individual elements of the text:
- In formulas, letters of the Latin alphabet are typed in italics, letters of the Greek and Russian alphabets are typed in straight type. Mathematical symbols lim, ln, arg, const, sin, cos, min, max, etc. are typed in straight type. Vectors in formulas should be typed in bold. Formulas should be executed using MathType tools only.
- All figures and tables should have captions and headings (in Russian and English) respectively.
- All figures and tables should be numbered and referenced in the text (Fig. 1; Table 1).
- All graphs should be digitized.