Quarterly journal published in SPbPU
and edited by prof. Dmitry Zegzhda
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Institute of computer sciences and technologies
information security of computer systems
Information Security Problems. Computer Systems
Published since 1999.
ISSN 2071-8217

The scientific quarterly peer-review journal was founded by Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Peter Zegzhda in 1999.

Founder and Publisher: St. Petersburg State Polytecnical University.

Periodicity of the journal: 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December). Articles for the summer special issue are accepted until the end of June (publication – beginning of August).

                                                                                    Journal release schedule

Number Acceptance of articles
(by DD.MM)
1 by 10.02 25.03
2 by 14.04 21.06
by 14.07 25.09
4 by 13.10 25.12


The purpose of the Journal is to popularize the results of current scientific research in the field of information infrastructure security, research of automated control systems, as well as quality assessment and maintenance of software products.

The publications, which are published, consider theoretical and practical methods of information security, including the theory of information security, practical aspects of information protection in information and telecommunication systems and computer networks, and the use of cryptographic methods of information protection.

Journal is included into “The Index of Leading Reviewed Scientific Journals and Prints, Published in Russian Federation”:

2.3.3. (formerly 05.13.06) Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Productions (Technical Sciences)

2.3.5. (formerly 05.13.11) Mathematical and software support of computer systems, complexes and computer networks (technical sciences)

2.3.6. (formerly 05.13.19) Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)

2.3.6. (formerly 05.13.19) Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security (Technical Sciences)

1.2.4. Cybersecurity (physical and mathematical sciences) (from 11.12.2023)


Publications in the journal cover the following topics:

  • theoretical foundations of information security;
  • methods and means of information security;
  • software security;
  • security of distributed systems and telecommunications;
  • practical aspects of cryptography;
  • security of critical information infrastructures;
  • security of cyber-physical systems;
  • modeling of technological systems, algorithmization of control tasks and objects;
  • research, control and optimization of automated control systems for technological processes and production;
  • machine learning and knowledge base management systems;
  • methods, models and tools for development of digital products;
  • quality assessment and maintenance of program systems;
  • training of specialists.



Articles submission in No. 2 (63) 2025 is open until 14/04/2025.